Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First thought......

This is my first thought on this blogging subject and I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I'm computer challenged, as many people my age are, and I'm breaking out and trying something new instead of writing a book...like I could write a book....I guess I could if I could find an original thought, yes? Sometimes, as I get into something, get going, if you will, I can be somewhat entertaining, then, as I write, I ramble more and more and go back to start retyping thinking to myself, "No, I need to say this in another way.....word this another way.....I've already used wonderful 40 times so I need to use another adjective....then I give up and walk away!!! I don't know where the original thought went and I never think of it again for years. Then, one day, I'm just waking from a nap, or a dream, and the original thought flies through my mind and I try to catch it and write it down, NOTHING....GONE....I hate it when that happens!! I could probably write a lot better if I had a glass of wine (yuck), or a margarita (yum), but since it's been forever I'd never make it through the thing and would blig instead of blog and that would be the end of me and my blogging career...is that what you call it? Career? When you write like this are you supposed to use the correct way of writing like when you're writing a book?? (I use multiple question marks, exclamation points a lot)....I use the dot dot dot thing a lot too, and I know that's not good. I type like I talk as I'm sitting here talking to myself, and I don't know any other way to do this...just talk and type. I use run on sentences a lot too....it's not correct, but I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm just trying to get my thoughts across of so many things. At first, when I started, I wanted to talk only of my grandson, Dakota, and his illness, and how I hated it and loved him, but I've found that it's not all I want to say. I want to tell someone....anyone....YOU....that I love my family, I love my Saviour, and I want everyone to have a space to say how they love theirs without having to do anything but type..that's about as clear as mud, I'd say, but as the days roll on, and I write, and I'm guided in my thoughts, I hope everything will become clear to you what I'm trying to do. First, I hope it becomes clear to me!